Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 22, 2011

Winter has passed, Springtime has come!

Spring is here, but it feels more like summer (at the moment anyway). Yesterday was rainy and cooler (low-mid 70s), and today it's sunny and high 80s! Crazy Mississippi weather. My favorite season is Spring, but I know for many allergy sufferers, this is not a fun time. I have been blessed to not have much trouble with allergies (PTL), so for now, I'll say that I love Spring! I think one of the main reasons that I love Spring is because everything comes alive. The deadness and cold from Winter is gone. Spring is a season of growth, and everything becomes full and colorful. It brings about hope.

I have hope for a lot of things. My children, my family, my friends, my career, my church. The last one has been on my heart a lot lately. There are some changes taking place, and I can't say that I have embraced them well. It's been tough. But, the Lord has also shown me, and continues to show me, a lot through this time. #1 - Trust Him, #2 - He loves me and His bride, the church, #3 - Gideon's army, and how the Lord kept testing the large army that he started out with until there were only 300 called to battle. He did that to show that He was the only one worthy to get the glory of victory, not man. So that means that victory is near! Yes, there will be a battle first, but it's His battle, not ours. It's Friday now, but Sunday's coming!

I'll end with the lyrics to where I got the title for this post. I LOVE this song, and I love the version by Jesus Culture.

Dance With Me

Behold You have come over the hills upon the mountain
To me, You will run. My Beloved, You've captured my heart

Won't You dance with me,
Oh Lover of my soul,
to the song of all songs?

With You, I will go You are my Love You are my Fair One
The winter has passed and the springtime has come

Won't You dance with me,
Oh Lover of my soul,
to the song of all songs?
Romance me,
Oh Lover of my soul
to the song of all songs.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Our Hannah-Bug

As promised, I am FINALLY going to blog about our sweet Hannah, who is now 8 months old! Time really has flown by, and that makes me a little sad. Life with 2 really makes a big difference. I haven't stopped to take nearly as many pictures or video of Hannah, as it is more difficult to balance time between she and Conner. Conner still gets most of our attention, probably because he is so busy, and we can interact more with him. He definitely hasn't had any reason to feel jealous or left out! Because Hannah is such a good baby, she has allowed this to happen. But I'm sure the time is coming where she will be ready for us to play more with her! And once she is mobile and can get into Conner's toys, WATCH OUT! That is when things will get interesting.

What's going on with Hannah these days? Well, she hasn't crawled yet. She still doesn't have any signs of teeth coming in, although she does like to chew on things. She had tubes put in her hears 4 days before Christmas. I lost track of how many ear infections she's had. But even through all that, she was a great baby. We've never lost any sleep, and really haven't since she was 10 weeks old! She does have blue eyes, even though neither Jeremy nor myself have them. I'm still not convinced they will stay blue, but it would be cool if they did! When she's not sick, she will drain an 8-ounce bottle of formula. She eats cereal twice a day, but we still haven't given her "real" food yet. Our pediatrician says that babies can get all they need from formula up until 9 months, so why create more work for yourself? I like that advice! Of course, I know there are exceptions to that, but in our case it has worked out just fine. So to all you grandmas out there who think I'm starving my baby, chill out! I'm just following doctor's orders....sort of. :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Conner update

I feel like I only blog about Conner when I do get around to blogging....that's because it's true! Poor Hannah is left out, but I promise my next blog will only be about her! It will probably be more writing than anything though, because we just don't take many pictures and video of her. :( Not on purpose, of course. And it's such a shame too, because she's just so cute! Here is a little teaser for you....I can't believe she is already 6 months old! Now to Conner....he is at such a cute age. He will be 3 1/2 in a couple of months, but so far, the "terrible threes" haven't been too terrible. He has his moments, but it can usually be linked to being tired, or even being around other children who may influence him to act a certain way. It's amazing how he will imitate anything at this age!

We've had a busy Fall so far. We took Conner to a couple of Ole Miss football games (Hannah to one), and we spent an afternoon at the fair. He had a blast, and really wanted to ride a lot this year. This was the first year he could ride some rides by himself....he is such a big boy! He even wanted to ride the kid-size version of the "Himalaya" know, the ride that goes round-and-round, with loud music playing, and then it goes backwards? Yeah, he just pointed it out and said he wanted to ride it! He was too short to ride by himself, so I rode with him. It went pretty fast for a kiddie ride, but he loved it! Jeremy said he will probably grow up to like fast rides and roller-coasters like his Mommy!

Conner is really into "instruments" these days. His favorite show is "Little Einsteins," and he requests to watch it as soon as he is picked up from daycare! I found an app for him that teaches him the names of several instruments, as well as how they sound. He says he wants to play the cello. Of course, he will have to start with the violin, and I'm thinking about possibly signing him up for lessons soon. We took him to the high school state band festival this past weekend, and he sat through about 9 bands. He watched for the most part, but did get fidgety towards the end. (Plus he was operating without a nap, and crashed in the car on the way home.)

Both of the kids have been sick lately with the sniffles. Hannah actually just got over a double ear infection....#3 for her. Then, she caught Conner's cold, so they are both on medicine for that. And it's not even remotely cold yet!

I'm posting a few videos below of my Conner-man. I've gotten the hang of transferring our videos to's so easy, and fun to watch! Enjoy!

Friday, July 16, 2010

MY sing!

Sometimes Conner gets in one of his moods where he wants to do everything by himself....even singing or talking! If he doesn't want me to sing with him, he'll say "No, MY sing!" (Talking translates to "MY say it" get the idea.) He was not in one of those moods tonight, however. We were just playing around with a new Flip camera that I got at my sales meeting. It makes it easy to get it to my blog!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Conner SWIMS - part 2

Here's part 2 and the conclusion of Conner's swim lessons this summer. We are so proud of him and everything he learned over the past 4 weeks. I'm sure we will take some lessons again next summer, but at least we have the ability to keep practicing in our pool for another couple of months!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Conner SWIMS!

Ok, so I know that I need to do a lot of catching up on this of Hannah, Conner's birthday party, etc., but I was so excited to get this video posted of Conner at swim lessons. The other will just have to wait! He and his buddy Patrick have had 8 swim lessons....7 up to the point of this video. I am just amazed at how much they have learned, and that they will do it without hesitation! We even practiced all of this in our pool, and they did great! They will continue lessons for the next 2 weeks, so I'll post more video soon!

Friday, May 14, 2010

One Busy Month

I know it's been a while since I've updated this blog, and I have so much to talk about, but very little time! In just a few minutes, the computer that I'm typing on will be turned off, broken down, and packed up, to be moved to our new home. This makes me a little sad. Ok, very sad. (I'm sure post-pregnancy hormones have something to do with it too.) In about an hour, the movers will be here to take out all our furniture. I'm excited about our new home, but I am sad to be leaving this one. It has been our home for over 7 years. It was our first house together, and we've brought two babies home to this house. So many memories here. Now it's time to make new memories in a new house! For this I am happy and so very blessed. It's bittersweet, for lack of a better word.

One thing I don't recommend is to have a baby, sell your house, buy/move to a new house, and have a garage sale within a month's time! It has been hectic to say the least. Hannah was born on April 24, the same day the tornado went through Yazoo City. I guess there is something about barometric pressure having an effect on going into labor! Up until that day, I didn't have a single contraction. But I woke up at 2 AM with some, and I wasn't going to take any chances and wait around where I couldn't get an epidural! (Thanks Dr. Cole for scaring me into thinking this could happen!) "The second baby will come faster than the first," she said. Well, we got to the hospital at 4:30 AM, and I was only 2.5 cm dilated! But my contractions were still coming, so they didn't send me home. I just had to wait until 2:48 PM to have this child. That part actually took longer than it did with Conner. Oh well, it all worked out in the end. I got my epidural, so I was happy. And a beautiful baby girl, of course!

Well, I would post more, but I must go and get some more things packed up! The next time I sit down to do this, it will be in our new home!